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What are the Innovation Awards?
Business Insurance has sponsored and administered the awards for seven years. The awards recognize innovative products and services provided to risk managers over the past 15 months.

Who can make a nomination?
Anyone that provides products or services to commercial insurance buyers. Nominations can come from companies worldwide but the judging panel is composed of U.S. risk managers so the products should address their concerns.

What’s new this year?
Recognizing that it can take several months to obtain data showing the success of the products, we expanded the period during which eligible nominations can be rolled out to risk managers. We will now accept nominations for products rolled out between Oct. 1, 2014, and Dec. 21, 2015; however, products or services that won last year are not eligible this year.

What’s the deadline?
December 28, 2015

When will the winners be notified?
Mid-to-late January. The winning products will be featured in the March 14 edition of Business Insurance and an awards ceremony will take place on March 22 during the Business Insurance Risk Management Summit in New York.

What makes a good nomination?
A strong narrative backed up data. The judges will review supplementary information and review any web applications available but the most important information should be presented in the nomination form.

How many products or services can on company enter?
Five. If a company does not use a centralized process to submit nominations, we shall accept them on a first come, first served basis.

Will the information contained in the nomination form be published in Business Insurance?
The features on the products will be based on interviews conducted with people at the winning companies. While the Business Insurance reporter assigned to write the feature will have access to the nomination form, this will be treated as background information and only information disclosed during the interview will be used.

Innovation Awards